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Water & Energy

-- Quote of the Day -- 
“What really distinguishes this generation in all countries
 from earlier generations 
is its determination to act, 
its joy in action 
the assurance of being able to change things 
by one’s own efforts.” 

~ Hannah Arendt

-- Brummet's In the Media -- 

 In Your Corner Radio, with host Lois James... 3:30pm to 4pm pacific time 30 minutes.  We will be discussing healing estrangement relationships
Topic: family estrangement.
I grew up in a broken family life where both my older brothers left before they were 16 years old and I was on my own at 13.5 years of age. I didn't speak much to my mother between the time I was on my own to the age of 16... when I was caught living on my own and sent to a foster home for a year or so. The foster mother tried to help my mother and I get on speaking terms... but it took several more years before I could deal with all the past issues. In my mid 20's she and I became friendly and best of friends (as good as we could be) in my 30's. She committed suicide (chronically ill) just 2 xmas's ago. Since then my two brothers and I have developed stronger relationships with more frequent visits despite living a few days drive apart and often communicate online. My Aunt (mother's sister) and Uncle have also reached out and we have an amazing relationship now. It is very interesting to have a family connection, something I didn't even know that I needed - but now that I do, it is highly important and cherished.

-- Conscious Discussions Talk Radio -- 

* Airs live @ 10-11 AM (Pacifc)  - all episodes are archived indefinitely within moments after they air live, and are available for you to listen to later on at any time of day.

 Sign up via itunes for the Conscious Discussions Radio show: 
I wanted to reserve this date to share some very exciting and promising information on: Water and Energy

Make sure you have a pen and scrap of paper beside you because I’m about to share a few positive, conscious living resources, tips and news that some of our listeners may wish to make a note of.
As you are probably already aware, the Positive News segments air every 2-3 weeks or so and started a few years ago as our little way of celebrating the positive proactive information, news and technology… and to highlight the work that numerous non-profits and proactive businesses are doing.
Feel free to scroll through the hundreds of the Conscious Discussions archived episodes via our site: Just follow the links to the radio show when you visit the site.  And remember to click on the “like” and “share” buttons or the Facebook and Twitter buttons – to share our information with your friends on social networking sites. This really helps us reach a wider audience, and we do appreciate your support in this manner.

Access the live (10-11 AM Pacific) or archived episode:


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