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Using Our Hearts

 -- Quote of the Day --

“It’s no accident many accuse me of conducting public affairs with my heart instead of my head. – Well – what if I do? …Those who don’t know how to weep with their whole heart don’t know how to laugh either.” 

~ Golda Meir

 -- Positive Eco-News --

Join us today for another Positive Eco-news segment of the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show... Today's episode offers laundry tips, resources and some inspiring quotes:

Live at 10 AM Pacific - 11 AM Pacific, and we'll have the live chat room open for that time frame as well... or access the archived episode later on at your convenience: 

Find Dave and Lillian Brummet, excerpts from their books, information about their radio program, newsletter, blog, and more at: * Support the Brummets by telling your friends, or visiting the Brummet's Store - every sale raises funds for charity as well!
