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-- Quote of the Day --

"For the sake of future generations, we must collect and study the wild and weedy relatives of our cultivated plants as well as domesticated vegetables. These sources are dangerously neglected. The future will not be so tolerant.
We cannot afford to ignore any source of the gene pool
~ Jack R. Harlan, Professor Emeritus

-- Conscious Discussions --

Common issues with water conservation, watering techniques for patio, balcony and backyard gardens, the benefits of mulch, different types of mulch and even some questions on growing tomatoes were all covered in a short half-hour session on the Sunday Gardening episode of the Conscious Discussions talk radio show. Drop in to hear the archive by clicking on they hyperlinks here... Drop me a line with your questions or comments on gardening and I'll be sure to address them in the upcoming Sunday Gardening episodes - or call in to an upcoming live show to ask your gardening questions.

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